They faced the world in each other’s arms, and in the end they end up adopting as a couple This is how two dogs who were rescued from the street and found themselves in a shelter box lived. And it was always in each other’s arms that the two four-legged companions faced their first journey […]
Dog New
“Devoted Abandoned Dog’s Unwavering Loyalty: He Stays Where He Last Saw His Family”
At the end of the day, he would always return to that exact same corner, waiting for his family to pick him up. Can you image how hard it would be to lose your favourite dog due to unforeseeable events? All the wondering and endless questions that would come to mind as we tried to […]
“Inspiring 12-Year-Old Hero: Rescuing 4,800 Shelter Dogs and Counting”
This kid became obsessed with saving shelter dogs when he was 3 years old, and went on to find 4,800 of them homes A little boy named Roman was determined to make a positive difference in the lives of shelter dogs. His world changed when he realised the bleak future that awaited many dogs in […]
“Loyal Dog’s 10-Day Vigil Outside Hospital, Awaiting Her Deceased Human’s Return”
She waited, stuck around for days, even lived through a hurricane – but no familiar face was coming out that door… There is no bigger loss in the world than the loss of your favourite person! Even our lovely four-legged pals, dogs, have a difficult time replacing the emptiness left by their owners’ departure. A […]
“Resilient Puppy with Burned Fur Finds Love and a New Friend, Shines Brightly Once More”
Pixie Princess was scarcely recognisable as a pitbull pup when she fled from her ‘home’ and walked into a stranger’s yard. Her fur had all fallen off, and her small little body was covered with horrible sores and scabs. The concerned dog owner immediately called animal control and requested that they come take up a […]