Two rescue dogs named Bonnie and Clyde are best friends and just want to be together. The animals are always so close together that Clyde, the smallest dog, frequently sits on top of Bonnie without seeming to mind. The beautiful pair were brought to Maricopa County Animal Care & Control (MCACC) after being discovered wandering the streets of Arizona as abandoned canines.
The shelter officials put the two in a cage together after realizing they were pals right away, but they were horrified to discover Clyde sitting on Bonnie. The smallest dog, Clyde, like to perch on Bonnie most of the time, which Bonnie doesn’t seem to mind at all.

Jose Santiago, MCACC’s public information officer, stated to The Dodo:
“We initially dismissed it as an anomaly, but then it began to occur often. Not viewing them in that light now seems strange. As near as you can imagine, they are.”
Bonnie and Clyde even go to bed together; the youngster cuddles up close to Bonnie and keeps an eye on him as they fantasize about finding a permanent residence.

They make it clear that they want to be partners forever. And ideally that will be with a family that will last forever.

José stated:
“This says a lot about their relationship and level of trust. Knowing that they are so closely connected will help them cope with any hardship, but it also emphasizes how crucial it is for them to return home together.”