The internet is in love with the cutest picture of working dogs going through their full-service training in Ontario, Canada. The dogs are with the K-9 Country Inn Working Service Dogs, where employees train service dogs to meet their individual handlers’ needs, thanks to a unique service dog support program.
The initial stages of the program include repetitive obedience and socialization training. Then, the dog progresses into the final stage, where they demonstrate their obedience.
When they leave the training facility, the dogs are well-mannered, outgoing, confident, and friendly with people, kids, and other animals. K-9 Country Inn heavily trains service dogs because they need to assist their handlers in their daily activities. Further, the dogs need to have the skills to save their owner’s life if necessary.
As part of their two-year program, the future service dogs of K-9 Country Inn are given a special task: watching Billy Elliot the Musical at the Stratford Festival. Seemingly, this exercise prepares the service dogs to accompany their handlers anywhere.

Inside the theater, which has 1,800 seats, the dogs quietly sit through the entire show beside other patrons. Since theater etiquette requires them to sit still and remain quiet, it can be a difficult task for curious dogs.
The service dogs are expected to remain at their handler’s feet while they watch the performance. Some dogs however did manage a sneak peek or two during the performance. And they were caught on camera.

According to the head trainer, the dogs did a great job, and they were able to get through the show in their best behavior. Regardless, these wholesome photos will make you giggle because these dogs are so cute.Dog Waits Everyday At Bus Stop For Old Lady That Saved His Life After Being Abandoned