“Try not to cry when you hear the final call for this playful retiring K-9”
Trained in law enforcement, K-9s protect and serve right alongside the police and are highly valued officers. They are irreplaceable and vital for the safety and protection of officers as well as the public.
These devoted dogs always have their handlers back, save many lives, and take down bad guys in situations that would be too dangerous or difficult for a human officer to perform, like jumping through a car window.
When they retire from the police force, they leave behind a legacy of service and many officers who consider them a partner and friend. Usually, they are adopted by their handler, but their retirement is emotional for all who work with them every day.
In this touching video, a Kentucky police officer is making a final call to honor his partner, retiring K-9 officer Bodo, for all his years of service and being a loyal partner…

“Erlanger K9 Bodo Retired After 5 Years of Service.”
“10-4, K-9 Bodo, you have just finished your final shift on duty. We thank you for your more than five years of dedicated service with the Erlanger Police Department. Thank you for your training and hard work to protect the city, citizens, and fellow officers of Erlanger and surrounding communities.”
“A special thank you for your service to Sergeant Clark and keeping him safe each night. You can now relax and enjoy retirement. We will all miss you and we wish you a happy retirement. Good boy, Bodo.”
Such a sweet tribute to a special dog. Bodo looks like he’s getting an early start on retirement by having some fun in his patrol car. After five years, he deserves every minute of it, too.

A little bit about law enforcement K-9s:
Dogs have been used in law enforcement since the Middle Ages and are relied on to perform a wide variety of duties. There are two classifications of police K-9s, patrol, and detection. Both types of dogs serve on the police force for about 6 – 9 years, until they retire.
Patrol K-9s provide patrol duties such as protecting officers, apprehending suspects, clearing buildings, and providing security.
Detection K-9s are used to find narcotics or explosives and are trained to provide one or the other.

Law enforcement K-9s are either single purpose or dual purpose. Single purpose means that they are trained for patrol, detection duties, or tracking. Dual purpose K-9s are trained to combine some of these duties into one dog.
We hope you enjoyed this sweet tribute. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.