Dogspotting is a Facebook group where people post pictures of the dogs they meet. And yes, it’s as simple as it looks.
There are 1.8 million members in the group and they all follow one fundamental rule: no photos of dogs you know personally, whether it’s your own pet or others you’ve seen before. And cats are not mentioned either, but that’s pretty obvious.
And that’s it, essentially. Take a look below and enjoy some of the group’s best posts so far.
1. My friend moved into a new house and right around the corner was this guy! We saw a tiny hole with a name above and figured it was a doggy lookout, so we called the name and this wee face popped up. His owners had made a space in the fence for him to say hi to people walking past.
2. Not sure if they saw me!
3. My sister went to visit our grandparents today and our grandfather (who unfortunately has dementia) felt really sad for the dogs who had to stay outside. So he spent the day entertaining them by showing them various paintings.
4. Found a big boy peeking at us in the train!
5. I work at Starbucks and this happened today in the drive thru
(I got permission to take this photo)
6. Proof that there is gold at the end of a rainbow!
7. I’ve recently moved house, I’ll wake up and my nextdoor neighbors dog will be sat outside my door waiting for me, I’ll open the door and she comes and sits on the door mat.
Her name is Edith and she’s my new best friend 
8. His name is Connor and he’s precious.