Even as a fully grown adult, Tydus continued to behave as if he were a puppy. He bounced around and craved cuddles and attention, completely oblivious of just how much of a handful he could be. Yumna may have found Tydus a challenge at times, but this didn’t stop her from loving and adoring him just as much as she did when he was a tiny pupper. This was lucky because as far as Tydus was concerned, he was still a small puppy!

Although Tydus’ playful behavior was sometimes a bit of a handful, it was actually very lucky that he was such a friendly doggo. Even though he acted like a puppy, he had learned he was strong and was as gentle as he could be with those who gave him love and attention. Even though he often got very excited, he was never rough. This is just as well, because if he was not so gentle it would be impossible to have guests round.

Little Brother
Tydus may be the star of this story but he also has a brother, Trez, who’s actually an African grey congo.

Yumna created an Instagram account for the both of them so that everyone could see just how lovely her pets were. Although the love was shared with Trez, Tydus got more than enough attention from Yumna. She adores them both and devotes her time and care to making sure they are well looked after and are never short of the attention they deserved.
Trez and Tydus’ Instagram account has over 150K followers, which is a whole lot more than we have.
Yumna has posted over 2,000 photos and videos of her adorable pets, including images of Tydus standing up next to people to show off just how huge he is.

Although Trez is featured, it is the pictures of Tydus that Instagrammers really go wild for. After all, seeing a dog that matches the weight of a baby bear is not something you see every day.
Hard Work
What do you think of Tydus? Do you think that you would be able to handle looking after such a huge dog?

The idea of having such a wonderful fluffy animal around is lovely but in reality, it takes a lot of hard work to look after a small dog, let alone a big one. Even the most competent of dog owners would have a hard time looking after Tydus, even if they fell in love with him from his photos.
Proper Training
That said, Alaskan Malamutes are a lot easier to look after than some dogs. They are very intelligent and love people. Even though Tydus might look like a guard dog, he was actually completely harmless as he would much rather play with an invader than attack them.

Still, proper training is needed and if you want a Malamute to obey, you have to go through obedience training to ensure that your pup will listen to you and stay under control.
Looking After Tydus
Alaskan Malamutes need an awful lot of exercise and mental stimulation is important to them too. Surprisingly though, they eat very little food although they will eat just about anything they can get their paws on! They have unparallel survival instinct so they tend to eat like every meal is their last. Another fact about these dogs is that if they have their heart set on chasing something, there is literally no chance of getting them to return until they are finished!

Hair Everywhere
Alaskan Malamutes constantly drop their hair. This means that hair gets all over the house, the furniture, the car, the carpets and the weekly hoover might just turn into a daily mission.

Typically, the breed has a big moult once or twice a year. Imagine the state of Yumna’s house after the gigantic Tydus maults! She would literally be drowning in his luscious thick fur. We wonder how much Tydus weighs before and after he has his major yearly mault?
Not For Everyone
It’s also worth noting that Alaskan Malamutes are typically very strong, even when they don’t weight 120 pounds! The fact they are so strong means they aren’t always great choices for first time dog owners and they are far too powerful to be left alone with children. The dogs don’t bark but they do have a wolfish howl which can be a little intimidating. This all just makes the fact that Tydus is so friendly even more lovely and endearing.

Match Made In Heaven
So there we have it. Tydus is pretty much the optimum example of a big friendly giant and everyone that met him was won over by not just his big size, but his even bigger heart. Yumna did an amazing job raising such a challenging breed and even when he outgrew her expectations, she continued to love and cherish him just as she had done when he was the tiny adorable puppy who won her heart the moment she set eyes on him. They really are a match made in heaven.

Internet Friends
Yumna’s posts gets lots of likes and Trez and Tydus’ fans are quick to comment and share their love for the dogs. People often make comments like “baby bear” and “adorable” with some dog owners even claiming that “Tydus is the best dog!”
People are always interested to see what is going on in the life of Tydus and photos of the BFG getting cuddles with a big smile on his face tend to be everyone’s favorite.

He really is one popular doggo!
So Many Dog Breeds
Searching for a dog to adopt is no easy task. There are so many things to consider. For example, you have to decide whether you want a lazy dog or an active dog or whether you want something small to sit on your lap or a big dog that can protect you. Dogs come in a huge range of shapes, sizes and personalities. Choosing the right one for you is as challenging as it is important. After all, a dog is for life.

Choose Wisely
It really is important that you take everything into account when choosing the dog you want to take home. Without doing proper research, you might find that you end up with a dog that demands far more attention than you can give. Alternatively, you might adopt a puppy without realizing just how big it will be when it is fully sized… Surprises can be great but it’s also important to prepare yourself so you can give the dog you choose the careful love and attention it needs.