All dogs start as small, adorable puppies who perfectly fit in your laps. They love to crawl into your lap for hugs, cuddles, and kisses, and no reason should change if they happen to grow up to be bigger than you. However, they grow up such fast that sometimes you may not realize just how big they’re going to get. Although they are no longer puppies, that doesn’t stop them from cuddling with you and squeezing into your small spaces.
When your dogs get bigger, they tend to demand more love and attention from you. So if you too have a Great Dane, St. Bernard, or any other big breed, let’s love them and care for them as members of your family. They might have forgotten how big they are, but they never fail to warm your heart as they act like tiny dogs. If you don’t believe it, scroll through these pictures to see the smiles on these owners’ faces as they cuddle with their huge canine best friends. We are sure that these large dogs with sweet actions will warm your heart, even if you have a cold heart.
#1. “Someone tell this man this is a list for lap dogs not lap bears”
#2. “Bodyguard tip: Sit on your protectee. This makes her easier to defend since she can’t go anywhere thus keeping her safe. Plus she is forced to give you some cuddles!”
#3. “When the grass is lava”⠀⠀
#4. The standing lap sit is an advanced technique reserved for only the craftiest of dogs
#5. “Charlie, 112 pounds of lovin”
#6. “Sure do love hamming it up and pretending I’m a lap dog”
#7. Kids are easy marks for big lap dogs that won’t take no for an answer 
#8. “All dogs are lap dogs”
#9. “What it’s like to be a pancake”
#10. “They have two chairs of their own and yet here we are”
#11. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer”
#12. “These two like to swap places every 15 minutes or so”
#13. “Get someone to look at you the way this pup looks at my open lap”
#14. “We’re gonna need a crane to hoist this absolute unit off my legs”
#15. “Whenever mum sits down she becomes a chair. That is the rule.”
#16. “Life with a big – and unrepentant – lap dog presents certain challenges”
#17. “Smart: Stealing heat from dad but ready to get food from mom at a moment’s notice”
#18. “Look at it this way: He keeps me from getting up and going to the fridge every 15 minutes.”
Do you have a photo of a big dog who seems to have forgotten how big they are? Share pictures with us and don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family members!